Corporate Image

  • Corporate Team Image:  Communicate your Corporate Image to your team.  Your team will understand the difference between Business Casual and Business Dress, when each are appropriate and the Image standard your business demands.
  • Dress Code Implementation:  Improve and Update your current Corporate Image to compete with modern firms.  Or take your industry presence to the next level by creating a dress code that promotes team congruency and professionalism.


 Executing a Professional Image means conforming to a specific Visual standard and Attitude


Is your Professional Image Standard enabling your Team for Success?


  • Business Etiquette and Protocol: Job training and promotions aren't equipped with business protocol training. Improve your job performance by knowing and practicing respectful business etiquette, opening doorways to promotions and new clients.


Impressions Image Management  is committed to positively changing and improving your Business.  Your Image Consultant will discuss all package combinations with you and create an Impactful & Lasting experience!