Our Client Success

 "Thank you, thank you, thank you.  What I gained from working with you is invaluable.  Your expertise and support helped eliminate and understand the stress I was feeling before public presentations.

Because of our work together and the skills you taught me, I now look forward to public presentations.  What you taught me was also a catalyst in allowing me to start educational workshops at my clinic.

Endless thanks and I look forward to referring clients to you so that they can benefit as much as I have."

-Gina Rino, BSc, RAc, Holistic Institute of Health & Fertility, Calgary

 "Working in my career as a Business Coach, a Speaker and Workshop Facilitator here in Calgary and abroad, communication skills are critical to my success. Working with Kaelie Forzani was an absolute pleasure. There were two areas that I wanted to focus on - my wardrobe and my public speaking. Kaelie delivered!
"Shopping for Clothes" was not a skill of mine unless I'm was looking for a new pair of shorts, t-shirt and a pair of flip-flops. After a thorough evaluation of my current clothing lineup, my personal style, my body type and my professional goals, Kaelie guided me step by step to stylish and fitting look that made me feel great.
Result, I can now buy professional looking clothes on my own with confidence - most notably buying the right style and "colours" for me.  I was shopping for a new shirt and not feeling super confident about the colour (more so my confidence in wearing this particular colour than anything).  I took a picture of the shirt and txt'd it to Kaelie. "Awesome colour for you - buy it!" she said. So I did... and I was blown away by the overwhelming positive responses I received at my next workshop.
Additionally, Kaelie worked with me on my communication skills - not just my speaking but my body language. "Smile Vince". I knew body language was important in communication but Kaelie really helped me understand just how important it was...
Direct results having worked with Kaelie... my conversion rate has definitely improved due to my confidence by at least 15% and my referrals have also increased dramatically.  Before meeting Kaelie, my clothing was not only poor fitting and wrong colours... but a bit dated and stiff as well - translation into perspective client perception "If your clothes are poor fitting and dated... so are your skills?"
If you're a professional and in the public eye for any reason (sales, management, HR, leadership, presenter, politics, etc...) you need to meet with Kaelie.
Want to increase your presenting skills and conversion rate, you need to meet with Kaelie.   Want to gain a measurable edge on your competition? Speak to me - I'll tell you to meet to Kaelie."

Vince Fowler Certified Executive & Business Coach | Professional Speaker | Workshop & Webinar Facilitator | Bully Buster | Veteran


 "Kaelie's workshop provided me with insight of appearances, so I don't just take it for granted!  Appearance and image must be chosen.  Her gender specific image tools and handouts were really valuable"

 -Joe Forzani, former CFL Stampeders Linebacker, Business Owner, Business Mentor

 "I enjoyed the correlation of Image & Goals; Am I dressing for my goals and visually presenting myself in a way that will help me reach my goals? 

Kaelie's workshop was thought provoking and proactive"

-Sandra Bihelek, Partner, Business Edge Coaching Inc.

"Your Corporate Image & Conversion Rate Workshop gave excellent insight into corporate imaging.  The workshop was a wonderful experience I would highly recommend to anyone curious about utilizing their image to get results".

-Adam Kubel, Marketing Coordinator

"Kaelie's workshop came at a pinnacle point in my career & life. 

I have very clear goals but often feel that I am being 'lazy' in my appearance because I am a busy mom.

But this event helped me to realize that I deserve to put the effort into myself because it is akin to putting effort into my career goals, and it Isn't Selfish!"

-Heather McKercher, Commercial Account Manager, National Bank of Canada

"The information you presented was useful and very powerful.

Going through the exercises and tools was fantastic and very much appreciated!  Thank-you, great value for my time spent!"

-Stephanie Van Dam, Business Development Manager, Action Coach

 "Your Corporate Image & Conversion Rate Workshop expanded my perception of Image and all components of 'Image'.  It clarified my understanding of image maintenance & vigilance."

-Harold Hagan, Mortgage Associate, VERICO MyMortgage.ca Inc.

 "Recently I made a presentation for our BNI group. I have a severe case of Glossophobia.
I wasn’t looking forward to the presentation.
A few weeks earlier an associate did an excellent presentation.. She mentioned that she had received help from Kaelie with her presentation. 
I set up an appointment with Kaelie and we set up a few appointments to begin working on my presentation and to help me with my public speaking skills.
I don’t know how badly I would have done without Kaelie’s help, I suspect I would have just froze. I definitely felt a lot more comfortable and prepared doing the presentation after Kaelie’s help.
Kaelie helped me with deep breathing techniques, vocal projection, grammar, posture, layout of my presentation, video rehearsal, being more relaxed as well as building confidence.
I would definitely highly recommend Kaelie if you have any presentations or just to spruce up on your public speaking."

-Rick Kirkland, Owner Protech Plumbing Inc